25 July 2009

Saturday is "Ella Day"

Every so often we have an "Ella Day." She puts up with so much boring walking and historical sites that we think she should occasionally have some fun.

I wanted to go to Jardin du Luxembourg one more time. It has a small palace on one end that was built by Queen Marie de'Medici shortly after her hubby was assassinated (don't worry, they didn't like each other very much anyway). She was Italian, and wanted an Italian-style palace.

Marie didn't really get to enjoy Luxembourg Palace.
Her son, King Louis XIII, had her exiled when he learned of a plot to assassinate him.

The Palace now houses the French Senate.
The Grand Bassin houses ducks and sailboats for the kiddies.

There are 100s of statues and fleurs and palm trees -- typically French.

A carousel for jousting practice ...

and a HUGE playground that costs 1.60 Euros for kids
and 2.60 Euros for adults. It is really nice, though.

Eric plays with Ella (while holding his iPhone) until ...

Ella meets some friends from Atlanta, Georgia!

They promptly lead her up to the top of this tall tower.
Yes, she made it all the way up ... and proceeded to jump up and down
(giving me and Eric heart attacks)!

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