15 June 2009

Nut Ella

Behold the Nutella Crêpe!

I'd heard about the wonders of dessert crêpes, but I had not experienced one until last night. My crêpe had Nutella in it, which is a spread kind of like peanut butter, but which tastes exactly not like peanut butter.

JJ had a chocolate/banana crêpe, which I snuck a bite of. I generally like my bananas necked, so it wasn't for me, but JJ seemed to like the combo.

The Nutella crêpe was pretty good, but I haven't acquired the taste for it, so I'ma have to give it another try.

Now, the other Nut Ella is ma fille, who only wears her hood when it's not raining.

Today we went for a Paris Walk directly outta the book given to us for Christmas by Nicole and Chad. This was "Walk 6," and it covered parts of the 3rd and 4th quarters of Paris directly across the river from where we are living.

JJ and Nut Ella are dwarfed by St. Gervais, a 17th century church. There were some beautiful stained glass windows in there. Out of respect for the rules, I didn't take any pictures of the inside.

Here is a photo of the inside of St. Gervais I found on Wikipedia. It looked exactly like this.

Art is everywhere here. At any moment you can run across a random exhibition -- like this courtyard filled with wooden humanoids.

These sculptures stand in the rain in this courtyard. The "gallerist" said she rents different places around Paris and arranges these exhibits. The pieces were for sale.

As we continued on our walk, we saw this old brick wall, which is dull and uninteresting until you know what you're looking at. It's part of the Paris city wall from the 12th century.

The wall partly encloses a basketball court which dates to the early 2000s.

Our walk took us past the Hôtel de Sens, which used to be the home of an Archbishop back in the day (end of 15th Century) but now is a library.

Note the tiny black dot just right of the round tower and above the window. That is a canon ball that has been stuck in the wall since it was shot up there by a . . . uh, canon.

I would like to note that Nut Ella was beyond "extraordinarily bored" for the duration of the walk. After every thing we did, she would ask, "are we going home now?" To which we would reply, "no." To which she would respond, "aaawwwwuuuuh!"

The original plan had called for stop at a playground, but due to rain that didn't make sense. She had to settle for going on a fun-ride.

Ella is a blur in this tea-cup style capsule.

Tomorrow we head for Normandy. Not sure what the internet situation will be, so you may not see any posts for the next few days.

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