30 June 2009

So, like, more old buildings and everything

You might think that after a couple weeks we'd have been in all the old buildings that are in Paris, but you'd be completely wrong. Every building here is old, so if you've got a free hour or two, there is always something more.

Here we are in front of the Pantheon, where many famous French are entombed.

I can't recite the whole histoire, but this building was once a church and is now a secular, public site. Not many tourists, and it was nice and cool inside. Especially in the crypts downstairs.

The tomb of Marie Curie, who cooked up the theory of radioactivity among other things. 

On our way to another ancient location, Ella discovered a subway vent. After inadvertently flashing all of Paris, she unwittingly reenacted a famous photo featuring another cute blonde.

Voila! Le chateau de Vincennes. Behind us is the "Donjon" where kings of old lived in luxury, and where centuries later the Marquis de Sade was imprisoned.

JJ listens to the exhaustive history provided by the audioguide.

Interesting tidbit: in the old days one could only access the ground floor of the main building by first going up at the gate tower, crossing the bridge to the 2nd floor, then going down the stairs. This was designed for security so invaders couldn't get in if they got over the first wall.

As someone once so wisely put it: "You've gotta get up to get down."

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