04 July 2009

Independence Day

Go figure! The French don't celebrate the Fourth of July ...

So we had to make our own celebration, minus the parades and fireworks (which will happen on July 14 in France). Luckily there is no shortage of things to do in Paris so we decided to go to the Le Jardin d'Acclimatation. It would be fun for Ella but also get us all out of the house; we were suffering from the blues after Chad and Nicole left.

The Jardin is like a park on steroids! There is always a carnival, a small farmette with animals, playground equipment, a mini-waterpark and flower gardens. The entrance price was 2,90 Euros (not bad), but the carnival rides were about 2 Euros each.

Here are Ella's adventures:

Ella riding her horse around the track!
I've never seen this type of ride back home.

Almost a mini-roller coaster

Bumper bikes and cars just for kids.
This was a "Girls Only" round!

Ella rides her first adult ride with Mama.
This thing went fast!

A trampoline! Isn't there a liability risk here?

Swinging at a playground

Ella checks out the pigs at the farm.

Eric and I had a good time, too! Eric said his favorite part was watching Ella's face on the rides.

After we got home, Eric and I watched two installments of the HBO mini-series John Adams. Pretty appropriate for July 4th. Here's a clip where Benjamin Franklin and John Adams are reviewing Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence. FABULOUS!!


  1. The horse track reminds me of Mary Poppins when they have the race with the carosel horses.

  2. Too true!! I knew it felt familiar ...
